I'll pay 99k bells for it
35 Votes in Poll
35 Votes in Poll
Cardboard table
Palm-tree lamp
Peach chair
Cherry wall
Pear bed
Pot x4
Log wall-mounted clock
Garden rock
Water flooring
DIY workbench
Bamboo basket
Bamboo hat x2
Bamboo noodle slide
Orange end table
Bamboo wall
Bamboo wand x3
Natural garden chair x3
Honeycomb flooring
Bamboo-groove wall x2
Bamboo-shoot lamp
Bunny day glowy garland
Bamboo stool
Wild log bench
Butter churn
Stacked magazines
Golden arowana model x2
Fossil doorplate x2
Tiki torch
Coconut wall planter
Light bamboo rug
Peach umbrella
Stacked-wood wall
Orange end table x2
Stone wall
Bone doorplate
Underwater flooring
Wooden low table
...if anyone wants to visit , grab a gift or a couple (I don’t mind). Feel free to leave tips, nothing required.
dodo- FNB84
She is selling...
Large - Purple Persian rug
Medium - Aluminum rug
Small - Ivory small round mat
Flooring - Imperial tile (I love it)
Wallpaper - Western vista
Mysterious wallpaper - Misty-garden wall
Mysterious flooring - ??
Dodo code: BBSY7
I can’t tell y’all how in love I am right now with this wallpaper I got from Sahara!!!!! Nothing better then this wallpaper! ??????❤️❤️❤️❤️
I have a double gold screenwall diy and im looking to sell it for 5k ish
I have;
1) Plesio Tail
2) Sabertooth Skull
3) Anklyo Skull
4) Pachysaurus Tail
1) Cool Paint flooring
1) Black Design Kitchen Mat
1) Blue Painted Wood wall
2) Yellow Playroom Wall
3) Cute yellow wall
4) Green Playroom Wall
5) Cute Red Wall
Nore items may be added sk watch this space
Doing shopping to your island for 1 or more of the items I'm offering. Dodo code and give my brother to join too so we can both shop.
If asked we can water your flowers that gives you a bonus. If me and you agree we should keep in contact, i will give u my friend code in game.
Does anyone have the cafe curtain wall. I’d love it and can pay in bells?
I need more storage and I have alot of random stuff I don’t want right now. I would love to sell the items but I will trade for things I do not have. If you see something you are interested in, please send me an offer. ?
A yellow diner chair - sold
Writing chair
School chair
Grey cat tower - sold
Blue pet food bowl - sold
Anatomical model - sold
Baby chair
Blue cute chair - sold
Black bathroom towel rack
Book (3) - sold
Bottled ship
Blue cooler box
Cordless phone
Electronics kit
Essay set
Light wood Floor seat
Black folding floor lamp
Light green folding floor lamp
Rebel garden gnome - pending
Sepia globe
Multicolor golfbag
Blue heart doorplate
Incense burner
Ironing set
Loom - sold
Magazine - pending
Blue monstera
Red outdoor bench
Brown pants press
Pinball machine - sold
Protein shaker bottle
Black sleeping bag
Squat toilet
Red stovetop espresso maker
White throwback gothic mirror
Blue throwback mitt chair
Red throwback race-car bed
Yellow throwback wall clock
Red tool box
Gold typewriter
Utility sink
Wasp head model
DIY Card - wooden full-length mirror
Pastel puzzle flooring
DIY CARD - green-leaf pile
Bunny day wardrobe
Bunny day vanity
Security-monitors wall
Meadow Vista wall
Aqua Tile wall
Pine-board flooring
Marine pop flooring
Berry-chocolates flooring
Highway flooring
Parking flooring
Fish rug blue
Rainbow sweater
Bear umbrellA
Fairy-tale umbrella
Frog umbrella
Kiwi umbrella
White shiny-bows umbrella
Watermelon umbrella
White vinyl umbrella
Spider umbrella
Lacy parasol
Panda umbrella
Hi ??
I really need some nook miles tickets!!
So if you have some I could give you:
-10 star fragment
-Star wand/ bamboo wand
- 2 gold nugget
-I have the cute chair in red and some wallpapers
If you want any of them just write a comment and I’ll give you my dodo code??
Hello all. This is my dream wallpaper and am willing to pay a good price for it. In case you don't know it's called Cafe Curtain Wall. It looks like this
Hello all. This is my dream wallpaper and am willing to pay a good price for it. In case you don't know it's called Cafe Curtain Wall. It looks like this
Hello all. Does anyone know the name of Tia's wallpaper?
Ive been looking for new and different flooring and walls! If you have any i’m willing to pay bells!!