Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete is a paid game made available on December 2nd, 2024.
Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete is a paid game and expansion to the previous Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp. This new game comes with many new features and replacements such as Leaf Tickets being replaced by Leaf Tokens and custom designs being added to the game.
Leaf Tokens:[]
Leaf tokens are now in a much more generous supply letting you exchange 100 each month for 25,000 bells. In the first seasonal event players can receive up to 950 leaf tokens. In addition to the much more generous amounts of leaf tokens everything that would have cost leaf tickets is now available for cheap using the new leaf tokens, for example only 25 leaf tokens for a pack of 5 fortune cookies.
Whistle Pass:[]
The new Whistle Pass area is now available where K.K Slider will perform every night. Your friends who you can add via Camper Cards will also be here. In addition to your friends being here you can now ask them for help in the quarry.
Camper Cards:[]
Camper cards are a new replacement to the friends in the old Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp. These new cards can only be added by scanning a QR code instead of going to the various areas and sending someone a friend request.