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A white azalea bush in New Leaf

Bushes are a type of plant that first appeared in Animal Forest and later returned in a new fashion New Leaf, and then again in New Horizons. In GCN games, bushes are low-growing plants that can be walked through, but in New Leaf, they are a solid object. Bushes were absent from Wild World and City Folk. In New Horizons Bushes were added similarly to New Leaf, also as a solid object.

In Animal Crossing[]

Like Rocks, bushes naturally spawn in the town, and can't be planted or moved around the village. Like most of the plants in the player's village, they turn brown in Autumn. When the player walks through the bush, leaves scatter around the area then disappear. Crickets, Pine Crickets, Bell Crickets, and Grasshoppers can be all found in bushes and, when inside, can be hard - if not impossible - to see until they appear or make a noise.

In New Leaf[]

In New Leaf, bushes have been redesigned to be smaller and less wild. Once the player has expanded to the shop to T.I.Y., they can be bought at the Gardening Store for 120 bells. Red and Yellow Hibiscus bushes will randomly be available on Tortimer's Island for 5-7 medals (the price varies from each time they are available). Some bugs are only attracted to bushes, such as the snail.


Like trees, bushes cannot be planted near houses, rocks, rivers, cliff edges, the train fence, buildings, and Public Works Projects; however, bushes can be planted directly next to other bushes, trees, and the stone paving by the Town Hall, Train Station, Re-Tail, and Plaza. Bushes cannot be walked through, making them effective hedges and fences.

12 sequence

Illustration of the 12-sequence rule showing a wilted 13th sapling

Bushes can grow in a connection of twelve at most. This includes trees and stumps, vertically, horizontally, and diagonally. If a bush or a tree is planted near a sequence of twelve bushes/trees/stumps touching each other, that thirteenth sapling will not grow.

As this mechanic can potentially ruin many long hedges, it is recommended to put some effort into planning before planting them. The purpose of this restricting mechanic is to keep players from fencing in houses of villagers and players who do not have a shovel available.

List of Bushes and Blooming Seasons[]

The chart shows each bush and when they flower and fruit during the year. Blooming seasons only affect the flowers on the bushes. Planting a bush outside of its blooming season does not stop it from growing normally. The bushes sprout buds during the few days of their blooming season, after which they will grow into flowers. Once the season is over, the flowers will disappear, and the bushes go back to their normal flowerless state.

  • White and Pink azalea - April 6th - June 15th
  • Blue and Pink hydrangea - June 8th - July 5th
  • Red and Yellow hibiscus - June 28th - September 15th
  • Sweet-olive - September 8th - November 30th
  • Holly - November 26th - March 31st
Bush chart

In New Horizons[]


Shrubs from the Earth Day update trailer

Bushes, now called shrubs, were added to New Horizons in the Earth Day update (1.2.0). They are sold by Leif at his traveling stall which appears at the town hall. Shrub starts are sold for 280 Bells. Leif also buys weeds at twice the price at Timmy and Tommy.

As of New Horizons all shrub plantables are called a 'Start', Starts can be stacked for planting from inventory easier. Leif lets you buy individual Starts or buy stacks of five for faster transactions.

List of shrubs in New Horizons[]

  • Azaleas: Pink & White
  • Tea-Olives: Yellow & Orange
  • Hydrangeas: Blue & Pink
  • Hibiscus: Yellow & Red
  • Camellia: Pink & Red
  • Holly: (default which is Red)
  • Plumeria: Pink & White


Hedges DIY

After completing the first Nook Miles + task and speaking with Tom Nook, he gives you the DIY recipe for Hedges, a type of fence that cannot be obtained through the Nook Stop.

Seasonal Blooming[]

  • Northern Hemisphere
    • Camellias (Pink and Red) - Bloom from early January to late March
    • Azaleas (White and Pink) - Bloom from mid-April (After Cherry Blossoms) to late May
    • Hydrangeas (Blue and Pink) - Bloom in early June to mid-July
    • Hibiscus (Red and Yellow) - Bloom in late July to mid-September
    • Plumeria (Pink and White) - Bloom in early June to mid-September
    • Tea Olives (Orange and Yellow) - Bloom in late September to late October
    • Holly (Red) - Bloom in early November to late December
  • Southern Hemisphere
    • Camellias (Pink and Red) - Bloom from early July to late September
    • Azaleas (White and Pink) - Bloom from mid-October (After Cherry Blossoms) to late November
    • Hydrangeas (Blue and Pink) - Bloom in early December to mid-January
    • Hibiscus (Red and Yellow) - Bloom in late January to mid-March
    • Tea Olives (Orange and Yellow) - Bloom in late March to late April
    • Holly (Red) - Bloom in early May to late June
    • Plumeria (Pink and White) - Bloom in early December to mid-March


New Leaf[]

New Horizons[]

In other languages[]

Language Name Translation
Spain Spanish Arbusto -

BambooBushCloverDandelionFlowerFlower FestFruitGrassGrass deteriorationJacob's ladderMoney treeMushroomPalmRafflesiaStumpTreeWeed