Animal Crossing Wiki
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Name Day
New Year's Day January 1st
Tortimer's Vacation Random day in January or February
Groundhog Day February 2nd
Valentine's Day February 14th
Sports Fair March 20th or 21st and September 23rd or 24th
April Fool's Day April 1st
Cherry Blossom Festival April 5th - 7th
Nature Day April 22nd
Spring Cleaning May 1st
Mother's Day Second Sunday in May
Fishing Tourney Every Sunday in June and November
Graduation Day Second Friday in June
Father's Day Third Sunday in June
Fireworks Show July 4th
Morning Aerobics July 25th - August 31st
Hometown Day Random day in July
Meteor shower August 12th
Founder's Day August 21st
Labor Day First Monday in September
Harvest Moon Festival September or October
Explorer's Day Second Monday in October
Mushrooming Season October 15th - 25th
Halloween October 31st
Mayor's Day First Tuesday in November
Officer's Day November 11th
Harvest Festival Fourth Thursday in November
Sale Day Fourth Friday in November
Snow Day December 1st
Toy Day December 23rd
New Year's Eve December 31st - January 1st