Animal Crossing Wiki
Forums: Index > Watercooler > Code of Conduct

So, I've been looking over the wiki. It seems like we have a lot more users, but unfortunately, a lot more fighting. That's not okay.

When I started this wiki in 2005 (I think it was '05), it was just me and a few other users. There wasn't a ton of articles, there weren't more than 15 probably. We didn't have pictures, or a logo, or anything (to the best of my recollection), but we also didn't have arguments.

That's why I think we need to establish a Code of Conduct for this wiki.

I need you, the users, to help come up with it though. This isn't the style guide (how to write articles), this is how one ought to behave here. It's not something the admins are going to enforce, but it's something each and every one of you will need to enforce yourself, for yourself. This doesn't mean lurking to find people that violate it, it means just following it yourself.

I'm suggesting that...

1. We have some sort of NPOV rule established.
2. We have a rule against bringing off-site (this includes other sites as well as real life) issues into the wiki.
3. We don't bring non-Animal Crossing related content to the wiki.

--Aeryka 21:42, 20 June 2009 (UTC)

I think it's quite clear have we ought to behave, but I agree that it must all be written down.

4. Respect your fellow contributors- they are here for the same reason as you, to improve this site. Their intentions are, generally, to be constructive. Any mistakes they make should be corrected, followed by an explanation of what they did wrong on a talk page or edit summary.
5. Any disputes should be settled by a neutral party- I suggest the creation of a forum for any disputes, where such arguments should be addressed and an number of impartial users consulted.

BadMeep 08:21, 21 June 2009 (UTC)

6. We don't swear - I know young people (liek, 8 yrs old) who go on this site...
7. Spamming is not allowed (obviously)

-- Dragonfree 16:35, 21 June 2009 (UTC)

This is going well. I think we should have something about a style guide too. --Aeryka 20:38, 21 June 2009 (UTC)

8. If you're an admin, then don't try to rule over the wiki. YOWUZA TALK 2 ME! 16:57, 3 July 2009 (UTC)
