“If you look closely at gyroids, you'll see how much personality each of them has.”
― Normal villagers, New Leaf
- This article is about the furniture item. For the gyroid that sits near your house in Animal Crossing, see Gyroid (outdoor).
Gyroids (はにわ or ハニワ Haniwa?) are unusual furniture items that appear in most Animal Crossing games. Though mostly furniture items, gyroids also exist as NPCs. In the GCN games, a Gyroid is built outside the player's house; in City Folk, a gyroid by the name of Lloid acts as an auctioneer; and in New Leaf, Lloid collects donations for Public Works Projects and loans tools to players on Tortimer Island. All gyroids, furniture or otherwise, end with an "-oid" suffix.
In games prior to New Horizons, Furniture gyroids are buried, similar to fossils, and randomly generated each day at 6 AM, though they are only found after rainy or snowy days. There are many gyroids (127 in Wild World), and each family and individual is unique in sound and shape. All are part of families of similar-sounding gyroids, usually with similar names. If one of K.K. Slider's songs is playing on a stereo, or if a player is playing an instrument fast enough, all active gyroids will adjust tempo to match the music. The word "gyroid" comes from the word "gyrate" or "gyre," a term relating to spinning.
There is a limit to how many gyroids can be on at a time in a single room. Turning on an additional gyroid will cause one of the other gyroids to stop automatically. This limit is 14 gyroids in Animal Crossing, 8 gyroids in City Folk, and 4 gyroids in Wild World and New Leaf. Limit in New Horizons is currently unknown, but presumably infinite.
If a player sells a gyroid to Tom Nook or Reese (New Leaf), it is worth 828 Bells. If the player places one in their house, it is worth 828 HRA points.
Gyroids were added to New Horizons in the 2.0 update, released on November 5, 2021. They can be obtained by burying and then watering Gyroid Fragments, which will turn into gyroids that can be dug up the next day but only if the fragment was watered by the player, or by it raining or snowing the day prior. Gyroid fragments can be obtained through several means, including being found buried in the ground on Kapp'n's mystery island tours.
Brewster is known for his liking of gyroids. Gyroids can be seen on the shelves behind him in The Roost. In City Folk, once he warms up to the player, he will offer gyroid storage for free.
In New Leaf, gyroid storage has been eliminated, but Brewster will eventually allow the player to work for him. He will pay the player in coffee and various items from the Café Series, including special Brewster-themed gyroids, called Brewstoids.
In New Horizons, Brewster rewards various items, specifically certain DIY recipes and coffee-related items, after the player buys their 6th, 12th, 16th, 21st, 31st, 41st, 61st, and subsequent 10th coffees. He rewards a Brewstoid if the player buys their 51st coffee, a unique item.
In Animal Crossing[]
- Note: Some of these sound files are currently missing. You can help by adding them in.
Alloid Family[]

The Alloid family.
The name "Alloid" is derived from the word "alloy," which is a substance formed from multiple metals. These gyroids make a steel drum-like sound with the Mega Alloid having the lowest note and the Mini Alloid having the highest one.
- Tall Alloid
- Mini Alloid
- Mega Alloid
Bovoid Family[]

The Bovoid family
The name "Bovoid" is derived from the word "bovine" due to the gyroid's cow-like mooing.
- Tall Bovoid
- Mega Bovoid
Bowtoid Family[]

The Bowtoid Family
These gyroids wear bow ties. They make a fast, repetitive sound and dance. They also seem to sound similar to the noise of a low saxophone. They appear to be based on Jazz singers.
- Bowtoid
- Tall Bowtoid
- Mini Bowtoid
- Mega Bowtoid
Buzzoid Family[]

The Buzzoid Family
These gyroids make a buzzing noise with the Mega Buzzoid having the lowest note and the Mini Buzzoid having the highest one.
- Buzzoid
- Tall Buzzoid
- Mini Buzzoid
- Mega Buzzoid
Clankoid Family[]

The Clankoid Family
These gyroids sound like clanking metal with the Mega Clankoid having the lowest note and the Mini Clankoid having the highest one. They appear to look like garbage cans.
- Clankoid
- Tall Clankoid
- Mini Clankoid
- Mega Clankoid
Croakoid Family[]

The Croakoid Family
These gyroids croak like frogs.
- Croakoid
- Tall Croakoid
- Mini Croakoid
- Mega Croakoid
Dekkoid Family[]

The Dekkoid Family
These gyroids say the word "dekkai", which is Japanese for "huge". Their movement is a gesture one would make while describing something large. Each Dekkoid says "dekkai" in a different note, with the Mega Dekkoid having the lowest note and the Mini Dekkoid having the highest one.
- Dekkoid
- Mini Dekkoid
- Mega Dekkoid
Dingloid Family[]

The Dingloid Family
These gyroids, as their name suggests, make bell sounds with the Squat Dingloid having the lowest note and the Wee Dingloid having the highest one. The Wee Dingloid is the only "Wee" gyroid and is very similar to the Mini Dingloid. Similar to Nebuloid family, the Dingloid family has a squat as well as mega type which sound very similar.
- Dingloid
- Tall Dingloid
- Squat Dingloid
- Mini Dingloid
- Wee Dingloid
- Mega Dingloid
Dinkoid Family[]

The Dinkoid family
These gyroids are silver and make beeping noises. There are only two sizes. They both have air vents on the back of them.
- Mini Dinkoid
- Mega Dinkoid
Drilloid Family[]

The Drilloid Family
These gyroids make a drilling sound with the Mega Drilloid having the lowest sound and the Mini Drilloid having the highest one.
- Drilloid
- Mini Drilloid
- Mega Drilloid
Droploid Family[]

The Droploid family
This gyroid makes a "plop, plop, plop" sound, like raindrops. There is only one size. This makes it one of the more rare gyroids.
Echoid Family[]

The Echoid family
These gyroids make an echoing noise. Unlike most gyroids, all 3 look different from each other.
- Tall Echoid
- Mini Echoid
- Mega Echoid
Fizzoid Family[]

The Fizzoid family
These gyroids sound like something being zapped by lightning.
- Mini Fizzoid
- Mega Fizzoid
Freakoid Family[]

The Freakoid family
These gyroids sound like crying babies.
- Mini Freakoid
- Mega Freakoid
Gargloid Family[]

The Gargloid family
These gyroids make a sound like a man gargling water. Curiously, the Mini variety of this family makes the lowest pitched sound than the standard variety, when usually this is reversed.
- Gargloid
- Tall Gargloid
- Mini Gargloid
Gongoid Family[]

The Gongoid family
These gyroids make a short hitting noise with the Mega Gongoid having the lowest note and the Mini Gongoid having the highest one and do not sound like gongs, as the name would imply.
- Gongoid
- Tall Gongoid
- Mini Gongoid
- Mega Gongoid
Harmonoid Family[]

The Harmonoid family
These gyroids make a sound like a steam calliope (steam organ) with the Mega Harmonoid having the lowest note and the Mini Harmonoid having the highest one.
- Harmonoid
- Tall Harmonoid
- Mini Harmonoid
- Mega Harmonoid
Howloid Family[]

The Howloid family
These gyroids make a screaming noise. Curiously, the Mega variant of this family makes the highest pitched sound and the Mini variant makes the lowest pitched sound when compared to the standard set. This is usually reversed.
- Howloid
- Mega Howloid
- Mini Howloid
Lamentoid Family[]

The Lamentoid family
These gyroids are based off of the word "lament", and make rattling and clanking sounds when they spin with the Mega Lamentoid having the lowest note and the Mini Lamentoid having the highest one. They don't have the same facial features as most gyroids do.
- Lamentoid
- Tall Lamentoid
- Mini Lamentoid
- Mega Lamentoid
Lullaboid Family[]

The Lullaboid family
These gyroids make a soothing sound akin to a music box with the Mega Lullaboid having the lowest note and the Mini Lullaboid having the highest one.
- Lullaboid
- Mega Lullaboid
- Mini Lullaboid
- Tall Lullaboid
Metatoid Family[]

The Metatoid family
These gyroids make a rattling sound.
- Metatoid
- Mini Metatoid
Nebuloid Family[]

The Nebuloid family
These gyroids sound like a vibrating beep with the Mega Nebuloid having the lowest note and the Slim Nebuloid having the highest one. The name "Nebuloid" is based off the word "nebula", meaning a cloud of interstellar dust and gas.
- Nebuloid
- Tall Nebuloid
- Mini Nebuloid
- Slim Nebuloid
- Squat Nebuloid
- Mega Nebuloid
Oboid Family[]

The Oboid family
These gyroids sound like an oboe with the Mega Oboid having the lowest note and the Tall Oboid having the highest one. They look like pickles with hair bows.
- Oboid
- Tall Oboid
- Mega Oboid
Oombloid Family[]

The Oombloid family
These gyroids make an "oom" sound with the Tall Oombloid having the lowest note and the Mini Oombloid having the hightest one.
- Oombloid
- Tall Oombloid
- Mini Oombloid
- Mega Oombloid
Percoloid Family[]

The Percoloid family
These gyroids sound like hitting a hollow tree trunk.
- Tall Percoloid
- Mega Percoloid
Plinkoid Family[]

The Plinkoid family
These gyroids sound like tiny wooden bells.
- Plinkoid
- Mini Plinkoid
- Mega Plinkoid
Poltergoid Family[]

The Poltergoid family
These gyroids make an ominous rattling like a ghost with the Mega Poltergoid having the lowest note and the Mini Poltergoid having the highest one.
- Poltergoid
- Mega Poltergoid
- Mini Poltergoid
- Tall Poltergoid
Puffoid Family[]

The Puffoid family
These gyroids sound like a person blowing or puffing on a jug.
- Mini Puffoid
- Tall Puffoid
- Mega Puffoid
Quazoid Family[]

The Quazoid family
These gyroids make futuristic-sounding noises.
- Quazoid
- Tall Quazoid
- Mini Quazoid
- Slim Quazoid
- Mega Quazoid
Rustoid Family[]

The Rustoid family
These gyroids make a clanking noise, like rusted metal with the Mega Rustoid having the lowest note and the Mini Rustoid having the highest one.
- Rustoid
- Mini Rustoid
- Mega Rustoid
Rhythmoid Family[]

The Rhythmoid family
These gyroids are in rhythm with the music in all games except New Leaf.
- Rhythmoid
- Mini Rhythmoid
Sproid Family[]
These gyroids make a noise similar to that of a spring.

The Sproid family
- Sproid
- Tall Sproid
- Mini Sproid
- Mega Sproid
Sputnoid Family[]

The Sputnoid family
These gyroids, their names deriving from the satellite Sputnik, make the stereotypical noise of a spacecraft drifting through space. These gyroids have metallic bodies, circular eyes, and large, colorful panels.
- Sputnoid
- Tall Sputnoid
- Mini Sputnoid
- Mega Sputnoid
Squelchoid Family[]

The Squelchoid family
These gyroids make a squeaking sound like wet sneakers or boots. They also have a sleepy or tired look on their faces.
- Squelchoid
- Mini Squelchoid
- Mega Squelchoid
Strumboid Family[]

The Strumboid family
These gyroids make sounds similar to a guitar with the Tall Strumboid having the lowest note and the Mini Strumboid having the highest one. The name comes from the Strum, a basic guitar technique.
- Strumboid
- Tall Strumboid
- Mini Strumboid
- Mega Strumboid
Timpanoid Family[]

The Timpanoid family
These gyroids sound like timpani drums. Their tops resemble bells.
- Timpanoid
- Tall Timpanoid
- Mini Timpanoid
- Mega Timpanoid
Tootoid Family[]

The Tootoid family
These gyroids make a noise similar to flatulence. They also have pig noses. Curiously, the Mega variety of this family makes the highest pitched sound than the standard variety, when, usually, this is reversed.
- Tootoid
- Mini Tootoid
- Mega Tootoid
Warbloid Family[]

The Warbloid family
These gyroids make a sound like a woman gargling water.
- Warbloid
- Tall Warbloid
- Mini Warbloid
In New Leaf[]
Brewstoid Family[]

The Brewstoid Family
Brewstoids are obtained from The Roost in New Leaf for correct orders when working. They make the following sounds: coffee pouring (Tall Brewstoid), placing a coffee cup on a saucer (Brewstoid), and two variations of Brewster chirping (Mini and Mega Brewstoids).
- Tall Brewstoid (160 correct orders)
- Brewstoid (192 correct orders)
- Mini Brewstoid (224 correct orders)
- Mega Brewstoid (255 correct orders)
In New Horizons[]
New Horizons has different gyroids to collect than previous games. New Horizons's gyroids do not belong to gyroid families, and so do not have prefixes (such as "mini" or "mega"). Their design is also noticeably different, with gyroids often having smaller eyes and different body shapes. The range of sounds gyroids make is different and much wider, with more gyroids making percussive sounds. A gyroid's design is also more influenced to the sounds that they make. Gyroids are customizable, with the player being able to change the color of a given gyroid.
- Gyroids resemble cappies from the Kirby series, as well as cactuars from the Final Fantasy series.
- Gyroids are inspired by Japanese clay figures called haniwa which were made for ritual use and buried with the deceased between the 3rd and 6th century AD.
- The rabbit villager Coco and ostrich villager Nindori look quite similar to a gyroid, most closely resembling a Gongoid.
- There is a feature in Animal Crossing's GameCube port that allows the player's face to be swapped out for a gyroid's.
- When talked to at The Roost, Dr. Shrunk will mention that he didn't put the gyroids on the stage of club LOL, saying: “It's weird, but I didn't actually put them there. They just appeared out of the blue one day. How bizarre!”
- The existence of Lloid, their apparently spontaneous appearance at club LOL, and villagers occasionally remarking that “Gyroids must like rain” and “Some of my best friends are Gyroids” suggests that all Gyroids hold some degree of sentience.
- The price offered for gyroids (828 Bells) is a pun on their Japanese name: 8-2-8 can be read as Ha-Ni-Wa.
- In New Horizons, if no music is playing, gyroids will harmonize to the melody of Pachelbel's "Canon in D," known as "Silent" in the game files. They share this quality with villagers and music instruments.