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Happy Home Network access computer with Lottie.

The Happy Home Network is an online play feature in Happy Home Designer since the updated version 2.0. It can be accessed through Lottie's red computer at Nook's Homes. It is used to share and visit other players' houses, as well as upcoming design contests. It is available after completing the second facility.

The player can score players houses by using the ratings 'Cute', 'Cool', 'Unique', or 'I'd live here'! The player can give a rating for each of them from 0-3.

So far there's been one design contest, the candyland contest. It's where Players had to create a candyland house, during this contest, Tom Nook is dressed like a king. It is the only way to get the Massive cake, which can be used in any design projects afterwards.

In Happy Home Paradise, Happy Home Network is a feature of the NookPhone. This feature is unlocked when the player finishes working on 2 vacation homes. Can be used to see and visit the player's already-completed vacation homes and facilities and see and visit other's vacation homes and facilities. They can also post their own for others to view.
