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The Kiki and Lala series is a craftable furniture series in New Leaf and a buyable series via the Nook Stop in New Horizons. None of the pieces are customizable, and there are no variations. Each piece's recipe requires the use of 3 MEOW coupons. The player can obtain the crafting recipes from Étoile or by scanning the Étoile amiibo card.


In New Leaf[]

Name Image Category Crafting materials ? Customization Kits Price
Buy Sell
Kiki and Lala Bed Kiki and Lala Bed NL Catalog Furniture x3NL-Icon-Meow couponMEOW coupons - -
Kiki and Lala Sofa Kiki-and-lala-sofa Furniture x3NL-Icon-Meow couponMEOW coupons - -
Kiki and Lala Clock Kiki-and-lala-clock Furniture x3NL-Icon-Meow couponMEOW coupons - -
Cloud making machine Cloud-making-machine Furniture x3NL-Icon-Meow couponMEOW coupons - -
Kiki and Lala Dress Kiki and Lala Dress NL Catalog Dresses x3NL-Icon-Meow couponMEOW coupons - -
Kiki and Lala Flooring Kiki and Lala Floor NL Catalog Flooring x3NL-Icon-Meow couponMEOW coupons - -
Kiki and Lala Pin Kiki and Lala Pin NL Catalog Hats x3NL-Icon-Meow couponMEOW coupons - -
Kiki and Lala Outfit Kiki and Lala Outfit NL Catalog Clothing x3NL-Icon-Meow couponMEOW coupons - -
Kiki and Lala Socks Kiki and Lala Socks NL Catalog Clothing x3NL-Icon-Meow couponMEOW coupons - -
Kiki and Lala Shoes Kiki and Lala Shoes NL Catalog Shoes x3NL-Icon-Meow couponMEOW coupons - -
Kiki and Lala Table Kiki and Lala Table NL Catalog Furniture x3NL-Icon-Meow couponMEOW coupons - -
Kiki and Lala Wallpaper Kiki and Lala Wall NL Catalog Wallpaper x3NL-Icon-Meow couponMEOW coupons - -
Kiki and Lala Wand Kiki and Lala Wand NL Catalog Wands x3NL-Icon-Meow couponMEOW coupons - -

In New Horizons[]

Name Image Category ? Customization Kits Price
Buy Sell
Kiki & Lala Bed NH-Furniture-Kiki & Lala Bed Furniture 5,500 Bells 1,375 Bells
Kiki & Lala Sofa NH-Furniture-Kiki & Lala Sofa Furniture 4,000 Bells 1,000 Bells
Kiki & Lala Clock NH-Furniture-Kiki & Lala Clock Furniture 1,000 Bells 250 Bells
Kiki & Lala Cloud Maker NH-Furniture-Kiki & Lala Cloud Maker Furniture 4,800 Bells 1,200 Bells
Kiki & Lala Dress NH-Dresses-Kiki & Lala Dress Dresses 2,400 Bells 6,00 Bells
Kiki & Lala Flooring NH-Flooring-Kiki & Lala Flooring Flooring 3,000 Bells 750 Bells
Kiki & Lala Pin NH-Hats-Kiki & Lala Pin Hats 700 Bells 175 Bells
Kiki & Lala Tee NH-Tops-Kiki & Lala Tee Tops 1,000 Bells 250 Bells
Kiki & Lala Socks NH-Socks-Kiki & Lala Socks Socks 720 Bells 180 Bells
Kiki & Lala Shoes NH-Shoes-Kiki & Lala Shoes Shoes 1,200 Bells 300 Bells
Kiki & Lala Table NH-Furniture-Kiki & Lala Table Furniture 2,500 Bells 625 Bells
Kiki & Lala Wallpaper NH-Wallpaper-Kiki and Lala Wall Wallpaper 3,000 Bells 750 Bells
Kiki & Lala Wand NH-Tools-Kiki & Lala Wand Wands 12,240 Bells 3,060 Bells
Kiki & Lala Rug NH-Rugs-Kiki and Lala Rug Rugs 1,500 Bells 375 Bells