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Megumi Gallery

Megumi (メグミ, Megumi?) is a peppy dog villager exclusive to Animal Forest e+. She could only move into a village if the player has her e-Card.


Megumi is a dog with light pink fur. Her forehead, ears, tail, and paws are dark pink, and her cheeks are hot pink. Her stomach is white. Megumi initially wears the Candy Gingham, a shirt that coordinates with her color. She looks a bit similar to Maddie, another dog villager.


Below is a brief description of the peppy personality. For more information, click here.

Peppy villagers appear to be in a good mood often and are easy to become friends with. As a peppy villager, Megumi will have the tendency to over-react in conversations about trivial subjects, and will usually be over-excited to see the player or other villagers. This villager, like other peppy villagers, will rarely be discouraged from doing anything, including the usual hobbies. Peppy villagers dream of becoming famous in the future and read Ms. Nintendique, an unseen magazine read by snooty, normal, and other peppy villagers in the Animal Crossing series. Peppy villagers will also have a very short attention span, which means they soon forget some arguments or tasks given to the player which weren't completed. Megumi may easily get upset in conversation when the wrong things are said. She will get along well with other villagers, particularly lazy, normal, jock, sisterly, and other peppy villagers, but she may annoy and upset cranky and snooty villagers, whose personalities differ to hers. Due to the nature of peppy villagers, she may mention how "old" or "boring" cranky villagers are compared to her opposing, upbeat personality.


Megumi's house is similar to Winnie's, including the wallpaper and carpet, which are the Lovely Wall and the Lovely Floor. She also has the Lovely Series with a Lovely Bed and a Lovely Stereo that plays To the Edge. She also has a Baby Bear and a flower.

AFe+ Megumi House
Animal Forest e+ (interior)


Translation of E-Card (Back)[]

Clothes いちごギンガムのふく Strawberry Gingham Clothes
Star Sign 牡羊座 Aries
Catchphrase きゅん kyun
Description 可愛い人は、みんなに一目置かれます。なにかと話しかけづらかったりするんです。でもって、勇気出して話しかけてみたら、案外フランクだったりするんです。 Cute girls are seen by everyone, but they're hard to talk to. So if you take the courage to talk to me, its unexpectedly straightforward.
Favorite Proverb 虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得ず If you do not enter the tiger's cave, you will not catch its cub
(If you don't take great risks, you wont achieve great results.)


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