刺猬。性别女。与妹妹绢儿一起在动物村中经营著裁缝店。麻儿是一个特殊的 NPC,迄今为止出现在所有游戏中,但没有出现在 Doubutsu no Mori 中。她也在裁缝店工作。
外貌[ | ]
麻儿 是一只棕色的刺猬,长着粉红色的雀斑和昏昏欲睡、害羞的眼睛。她没有明显的嘴巴,说话时鼻子会抽动。她穿着一件粉红色和白色的方格围裙,头上长满了又大又尖的鬃毛。
性格[ | ]
麻儿 是一个内向、有点缺乏安全感的人,她总是默默地待在幕后,而她的妹妹 绢儿 则成为众人瞩目的焦点。她似乎不太善于社交,因为在玩家试图与她交谈的前几次,她会要求玩家不要打扰她,尽管她说这话的语气很礼貌。然而,如果玩家与她交朋友,她会变得更加善良和健谈,评论当天或她的个人生活,包括她的过去。麻儿 在工作方面是一个专注而坚定的人,在任务完成之前拒绝采取任何其他行动。
麻儿 公开表示自己是肥皂剧《尖锐的爱》的粉丝,这意味着她是该类型剧集的粉丝,并且详细描述了不同日子里的各个剧集,表明她是该剧集的忠实粉丝。
年龄[ | ]
虽然她的确切年龄不详,但 麻儿 是两位 Able Sisters,据说在父母去世后抚养 绢儿 长大。在《动物之森:狂野世界》和《动物之森:城市民谣》中,麻儿 告诉玩家她和 绢儿 相差十岁。
Background[ | ]
Sable's life is very focused around the world she grew up in - she is happy with the slow pace of the country life and has proven to be firm friends with others from the village, most notably, 狸克。 When Sable was only a young girl, her parents died, leaving her to care for her younger sister. She reminisces frequently about her parents, often sharing stories of her childhood. It is not known how her mother and father died, but it is certain that Sable was very unprepared, having to mature quickly and sacrifice her own happiness for that of her sister, raising Mabel in place of her late parents. This lowered her self-confidence and made her the introverted adult she is today. After her parents' death, Sable took over the family business and taught herself to embroider and make clothes